Anna and Ruben, a married couple, left their belongings in Aygehovit community of Kashatagh region, together with their 5 minor children, and found temporary shelter in dilapidated house in Aygestan village, Ararat region. In 2020, the Artsakh war resumed, lasting 44 days. Upon learning of the war, the couple moved their children to the Republic of Armenia, and they continued to stay in the community until October 18, 2020, hoping that they would not have to leave the village to the enemy. The Kroyan family of seven, who suffered from the last war, is now trying to survive and find another temporary place to live.
Այգեհովտից Այգեստան, Aygehovtic Aygestan, Khashatagh, qashatagh, aygehovtic aygestan, From Aygehovit to Aygestan