In the village of Yeghipatrush, 15 km south of Aparan, Lernik Gharibyan, known to the locals as Sayat, spends his days gloomily searching for the ultimate in life. The 53-year-old man started a fight for dignity six years ago, but Lernik was left alone with his health and family members during the fight. He is not expected at home today, even if his family members accept him, they have promised to do everything they can to turn Sayat’s life into hell.
Սայաթ Եղիպատրոշեցին, սայաթ եղիպատրուշեցին, Եղիպատրուշ, Ապարան, Sayat Eghipatrushecin, sayat eghipatrushecin , Sayat from Eghipatrush