• December 16, 2019

Starved of hunger 2


Marmar Adamyan with her 5 children lives in Berd town of Tavush region. According to Marmar, she was unfortunate both with her first and the second man. From the first man-Armen, she gave birth to eight children, five of whom died of starvation. With the survived three children Marmar tried to find a companion for the second time. Today, Marmar lives with her children in her father’s house. 19-year-old Mihran cares the needs of the family, despite his health problems, he works as a laborer and earns 30000 drams a month. 43-year-old Marmar Adamyan’s words ruffed her husband. According to Armen, Marmar escaped not from hunger but from false and fraud that accompanied them throughout their marriage.